{Sweet Sadie Olive - online Picky Pick of the Week}

I don't know why I am a little bit hesitant to share this new jewel with the {Picky Pair} readers! My mom shared this with me yesterday {they both attended The Farm Chicks Show in Spokane, Washington}, and although I haven't had enough time to explore all the facets of this new find: Sadie Olive - I love her! She's a blogger, a photographer, an online boutique owner, a blog and web designer...am I missing anything!!?? This girl can do it all - and she's an inspiration for my organizationally-challenged life right now. Her site is what I hope I can develop for myself, but for now I'll daydream... {F.Y.I. The Picky Pair also offers event planning, web design, custom letterpress printing, and interior design...} I think her style leans a little more towards my side, than my more clean-lined {Picky Partner}, but even if "vintage" isn't quite your thing, her photographs and writing is still inspirational for anyone. Enjoy exploring this girl's many talents!

{aren't these baby pictures the sweetest thing you've ever seen? makes me wish i had these of my little ones}