{Picky Pair Down on the Farm}

Green and local, the buzz words that are being heard all over the city, and for good reason, Chattanooga is such an amazing city located so close to Atlanta and Nashville, cities which have always supported their locally grown  communities. Chattanooga is realizing  what a treasure these locally owned family farms have been, and the impact they have on the health of our community.
 The difference between locally grown and an imported product is easily discovered once the two are presented side by side.  The Picky Pair plans to gladly feature a few of our favorite local treasures, from the produce available to locally grown proteins. 

Our first feature is Belle Field Farm {French: for Beautiful Field} located in the Chattanooga Valley, at the foot of Lookout Mountain.  Belle Field Farm is a breeder of grass fed cattle, and is also a member of the South Pole Association.  The South Poll Breed was just featured in the most recent Acres publication.  South Pole was developed by Teddy Gentry {of ALABAMA, country music fame} and has been around for a number of years and has had a loyal following with strict rules and a tight vision for the breed.  Bell Field Farm's desire is to bring the healthy and safe benefits of great tasting grass raised beef to the local community.   Belle Field Farm works with individual families building a relationship, one family at a time. 

Creating an environment  of quiet serene is evident when you see the animals grazing on the lush green grass growing on the rolling hills of the farm. Currently the farm is into the swing of spring with the daily arrival of little babies.  The animals diets are not supplimented in any way with grains, you really can taste the difference. 

Here are a few links to help you further understand the unique benefits of eating a diet of grass fed beef vs. traditionally raised beef. {southpole.com, & Eatwild} Still curious? Send your questions or comments to Bellefieldfarm{at}gmail.com.  The Picky Pair strongly supports the local movement and when it comes to food, it simply makes sense to shop locally and your family will thank you too.