{Inspirational Elizabeth Gilbert}

For being such an avid reader, it's been a nearly impossible task for me to find the time to start, or more importantly, finish a book in the past two years.   {I know many of you can relate!}  But the great exception was when I picked up Elizabeth Gilbert's amazing best selling book Eat Pray Love in the Salt Lake City airport last summer - and finished nearly a third on the flight home with two little ones in tow.  I passed this book on to the other half of the {PP} who reads ALL the time - so jealous!! - and she was  inspired to pick up Gilbert's "Last American Man" and loved it! Double mozzarella pizza in Naples, studying at the Ashram in India, and soaking up local knowledge in Bali?  We're there!  

This is a video of Elizabeth Gilbern at a TED talk that you must watch!  For those of you as unfamiliar with TED as I was, it's an annual conference that brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers  and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives in less than 20 minutes.  Take a few extra minutes today to be inspired!