The Picky Pair {Woman's Heart}

"The heart is quiet rather than noisy, intuitive rather than deductive. It lives entirely in the present and is at every moment accepting of reality as it is. Moreover, the heart does not seek to distance itself from or dominate anything or anyone by labeling. Rather, it begins with an awareness of its relationship with the rest of creation and everything and everyone in it. It accepts rather than objects, it finds similarity rather than alienation, and likeness rather than difference. Your heart knows no fear. It experiences no desire and never finds the need to defend or justify itself. And, unlike your mind, your heart never seeks to impose itself. It is patient and undemanding and does its work with no prompting. It nourishes your body in every moment. Little wonder then that the mind, always impatient and very demanding, manages to dominate the heart so thoroughly unless we are vigilantly watching and making our hearts the absolute kings of our beings."
{~Fr. Archimandrite Meletios Webber}