The Picky Pair {"Captured" Around Town}

It was a few weeks ago when this {PP} ran into fellow blogger Cameron Adams. A Photographer by trade he has turned his passion into another creative outlet in his local and loyally followed blog {}
{ {PP} turning the spotlight on fellow blogger/photographer Cameron Adams}
A creative blog all about the people he comes across on his daily hunt for inspiration. With his trusty camera in tow, Cameron find inspiration where ever he goes, and manages to capture the essence of the locals in our up and coming city of Chattanooga, TN. Our admiration for each others talents made for a fun and lighthearted conversation where we crossed paths at one of our local watering holes. {Niedlov's Breadworks}.
{My favorite {PP}detail captured by his lenses}
I look forward to our {PP} fans adding{} to their daily read along with the many others we count as our favs!!! We hope that our Local Chattanooga {PP} clan will welcome the opportunity should they meet our new friend Cameron Adams and let him capture them with his lenses too.